Hôtel des Palmiers
Hôtel des Palmiers (“Palmtrees Hotel”) is an hotel in the south of France who wants to target a young and fresh audience that wants to experience the delights of the region without resorting to classic tourist traps.
It also proposes a colorful programation that celebrates local culture and identity.
The identity is fresh and modern while also sporting an old-fashionned logo that’s meant to bridge the gap between modernity and tradition.
It is declined on several items, including door hangers, cards, chaises longues...
A vibrant welcome to the South
The identity mixes modern simplicity of clean lines and
a handdrawn artstyle for the illustrations that gives it a
festive and vibrant attitude.Youthful
The identity helps attract a younger crowd
with the playful fonts and shapes that play and
answer to each other, making it dynamic.Mediterranean
The idea is to promote the hyper-local
character of the prestation. From lifestyle to
colors, they need to represent the southern art
de vivre.
The website is simple and straight to the point, and functions as a business card and a platform for reservations.
The illustrations display dancing people, animals and natural elements, to produce the effect of a joyful ode to life. The geometric and simple shapes are a reference to Matisse collages.